NeckTite™ is a device for radiofrequency assisted liposuction of the neck (RFAL) that can improve the appearance of sagging or wrinkled skin.
Dr. Mulholland helped develop the NeckTite™ procedure, and has taught hundreds of doctors across Asia, Europe and North America his NeckTite™ technique through webinars and educational workshops.
How is the treatment performed?
The NeckTite™ radiofrequency electrical probe is inserted under local anesthesia into the fat, soft tissue and loose skin of the under chin, jaw line and neck. Unwanted fat is liquefied and then removed with a very small hollow cannula while the overlying skin is significantly heated and tightened for enhanced jaw and neck aligned contours that can mimic many of the features and benefits of an open, more invasive neck lift surgery.

Individuals with areas of excess in the neck or chin that is resistant to diet and exercise typically seek NeckTite™ as a non-invasive option. Most candidates are typically slightly overweight, and desire a more sculpted neck contour by improving the appearance of their loose neck skin.
Type of Anesthesia
Sterile fluid (normal saline) combined with a local anesthetic is injected into the areas of excess fat prior to the procedure, in a tumescent fashion, to swell the fat cells so that more of their surface area will be exposed to a laser or radiofrequency energy.
Pain Factor
FaceTite™ has been proven by peer-reviewed medical studies to be far less painful and have less bruising and swelling than old-fashioned liposuction techniques where energy is not used. The reduced recovery time allows a much quicker return to work and activities.
Length of Procedure
Each zone that you get treated with NeckTite™ takes approximately 15 minutes per area, with multiple areas usually performed.
NeckTite™ patients can go home following the procedure, however it is recommended to wear a compression garment for 5-7 days following the procedure.
Post-op Results
Initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral medication. Bruising and swelling usually subside in 2-6 weeks. Initial noticeable improvement can be seen within days and the final result takes shape over several months.