The radiofrequency electrical energy also coagulates the small blood vessels, minimizing the risk of bruising. BodyTite™ is one of the energy-assisted devices that Dr. Mulholland deploys on almost every case of liposuction. One of the big advantages of using BodyTite™ is the enhanced contraction – up to 35% soft tissue contraction and skin tightening – after the procedure, minimizing the risk of soft tissue laxity and irregularity and often allowing liposuction patients to undergo BodyTite™ rather than the more invasive and extensive tummy tuck, arm lift and thigh lift procedures.
BodyTite™ radiofrequency-assisted liposuction is the use of gentle radiofrequency electrical energy to internally coagulate and liquefy fat cells and blood vessels.
How is the treatment performed?
Local anesthesia is inserted into the area of unwanted fat. The fat then becomes totally anesthetic, much like a dental procedure, and the gentle heating, coagulation, tightening and extraction can be performed.
Once the local anesthesia, also called tumescent anesthesia, is completed, the energy-assisted device – BodyTite™ – is deployed to liquefy, coagulate and tighten. Once this phase has occurred, this liquefied, coagulated fat is immediately aspirated with a gentle, small, blunt-nose tipped microcannula.

The best candidates for liposuction are those individuals who have unwanted depositions of fat that detract from ideal shape and contour and have tried their best at diet and exercise to modify their shape and figure. Good BodyTite™ candidates should be medically healthy. Contraindications to BodyTite™ liposuction include patients who are unrealistic about the shape and figure they can achieve or are medically unwell or excessively overweight.
Type of Anesthesia
Liposuction is performed under tumescent local anesthesia. Tumescent local anesthesia is an extremely dilute local anesthetic that is then inserted gently into the fat, distending the fat and providing loss of sensation during the procedure. The tumescent anesthesia also distends and expands the fat cells, exposing them to the ultrasound energy of BodyTite™.
Pain Factor
The energy-assisted liposuction techniques, such as BodyTite™, have been shown in peer-reviewed medical studies to be far less painful and have far less discomfort, bruising and swelling than old-fashioned liposuction techniques where energy is not used. This means much less pain, mild bruising sensation and much quicker return to work and activities.
Length of Procedure
Depending on the thickness of the localized areas of fat to be contoured, BodyTite™ takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes per area and multiple areas are usually performed.
Modern liposuction using energy-assisted devices such as BodyTite™ have a very rapid recovery. It is not uncommon for individuals to undergo multiple-area liposuction on an afternoon and return to very light, sedentary work/non-work-related activities the following day. A post-liposuction garment is a high-tech, Spandex-like, Lycra® type of compression garment. It is used to shrink-wrap the overlying BodyTite™ treated soft tissue while it heals in the ideal shape and contours.
Post-op Results
Immediately after the procedure, there will be some swelling, but energy-assisted devices such as BodyTite™, do not generally result in much bruising. Avoidance of aspirin, if possible, three weeks prior to the procedure will minimize the risk of any bruising.Modern liposuction using energy-assisted devices such as BodyTite™, with its strong soft tissue contraction, can result in superior outcomes. Significant improvements in figure, shape and contour are virtually assured, as fat is removed in the areas of contour concern. The focus of patients should be on improvement in body, shape and contour, not on weight.